Don’t Think Deep

All those great conversations I had with Mac…I get to have those and more with Patrick now.  So fun.  So this week, Patrick asked Shannon and me over dinner, “How do you get to God?”

Now, I went to Hearts at Home last year and sat in on a brilliant speaker.  Of course, I can’t remember his name, but what he said in his What Your Preschooler Wants to Say to You class made such an impact.  On several things.  But the biggest piece I took away from it was how to deal with all the ‘why’ questions kids ask.  These drive me nuts.  And not just the question, but the fact that once I’ve answered, the same question is asked over and over!  So, the speaker explained that a preschooler simply doesn’t have the vocabulary or knowledge of how to express himself.  So when he asks why, over and over and over, he isn’t really seeking the answer.  He’s really just saying, “Isn’t that so cool, Mom?!”  He just wants to share his observations with you.  He doesn’t really want to know how clouds are made.  He just wants to share with you how cool and interesting they look.  His advice was to not give the long, ‘real’ answer that we adults want to give, but to marvel with your child.  “Aren’t those clouds amazing? Wouldn’t you just love to touch one?  I bet God had a blast making those.”  And you know what?  It works!  It’s saved me from insanity quite a few times since then.

So, when Patrick asked his question this day, I knew the answer wasn’t going to be about dying and going to heaven.  Shannon and I hate to go there anyway.  I mean, who wants to talk about having to die to see God with your three year old?  My answer went something like, “God is all around us.  He’s in your heart, Patrick.  Isn’t that cool to know that you can talk to God anytime you want?”

Patrick’s response:  “You have to die, right?”

*sigh* Why do I even try to think deeper?

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One Response to Don’t Think Deep

  1. Cheri says:

    Truly, the shallow waters are much easier to maneuver. Oh how precious are the children!

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